Over $1Billion
in Fundings Since 1994
Carlos Reynaldo Holdings was formed to specialize in two very distinctive areas, asset-based lending and business strategies consulting.

Over $1Billion
in Fundings Since 1994
”You can get lucky and make it.
But you can’t get lucky and keep it.”
Whether you’re a solo-preneur or a $10B-a-year company, every entrepreneur on the planet needs a corporate rainmaker: someone who’s going to get in there with you, get his hands and feet dirty, figure out what you need most and make it happen for you.
This means DOING WHATEVER IT TAKES to get you what you need. Whether it’s money, asset protection, financing, salespeople, clients, systems…whatever.
Show you tools and strategies you can use to grow your business by 30%-100% without spending extra money or resources.
Show you how to get your teams to REALLY believe in your offer (like you do)
Demonstrate how to get “A-player” salespeople that deliver without a sense of entitlement— and train them for you.
Go through five questions that will identify what your company “story” is today, where you want it to be and what you need to do to get it to the next level.
Carlos hired a professional writer to put this together, so it’s not him bragging…
His journey starts in Havana, Cuba. Born into a hard-working middle-class family, he used street smarts and ferocious ambition to become a powerhouse! He works alongside Tony Robbins (yes, that Tony Robbins) and is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in Southern California’s credit and non-depository lending institutional market. His company has over $1 Billion in transactions. And… he’s handsome. (Still not bragging.Wink.)
As a Business Strategist and Consultant, Carlos helps entrepreneurs worldwide understand the critical factors that impact their bottom line. In summary, he helps you make money.
Case in point, he’s famous for creating historically high sales increases for his clients. He consults in industries as diverse as music labels, wealth management, insurance, retail, banking, real estate, precious metals and NFT’s (kidding about the last one.)
Carlos does things differently to inspire people! Grab their attention!! And shake them from their complacency!!! I’m talking to you!!!! Whatever challenge you may be facing, he’ll move you toward life-altering action… to unprecedented levels of success.
In Hollywood, there’s a saying, “Always leave them wanting more.” So whether you’re a solopreneur or a $10B-a-year company, everybody needs a rainmaker… especially one who doesn’t take himself too seriously. If you’re interested in hearing more about how Carlos can help you on your journey, give him a call…
Carlos inspires people. He reaches audiences where they sit, grabs their attention and shakes them from their complacency. Whatever attitudes, challenges or adversities people bring into the room, Carlos moves them toward life-altering action. His words and his energized presentation inspire his listeners to move beyond their own limitations – financial, professional, emotional, spiritual – and define and discover new levels of success.
Whether you’re a solo-preneur or a $10B-a-year company, every entrepreneur on the planet needs a corporate rainmaker: someone who’s going to get in there with you, get his hands and feet dirty, figure out what you need most and make it happen for you. This means DOING WHATEVER IT TAKES to get you what you need. Whether it’s clients, capital, asset protection, financing, operational teams, sales teams, accounting teams, legal teams, systems… whatever.
“Carlos very quickly identified some of our weaknesses and where some of our strengths were as well. He looked at some the numbers we were achieving, which we thought were great, but he pointed out to us how much better they could be.”
Dr. Daniel Strelcheck, Jr.
Thank you for being a gift. Thank you for being a weapon in the hands of love and in the hands of God. Thank you for choosing to do so much good with your life, Carlos, thank you for your humanity and for your care. Someday I will be able to return the favor somehow, someway. When you need that favor, I want you to ask, and I will be here for you.
“I have found Carlos to be a wonderful individual and a great source of information, inspiration and insight.”
Al Alfonso, President
Dynamic, no BS attitude I’ve been a fan of Carlos for over 3 years now. His energy, sass and wit combine to get his message across in an entertaining way. Having a vast array of experiences from which he draws his wisdom, Carlos knows what it means to “dig in and get your hands dirty” to create huge results. If you have the opportunity to hear him speak or hire him for consulting, consider yourself lucky!
“I’m impressed with Carlos Reynaldo’s vision, persistence, and energy. He has terrific ideas and knows how to accomplish them. I’m grateful for his contribution to Ford Lincoln and glad I decided to take a chance on him back in November of 2012.”
Know exactly where your business really is — not where you think it is. The advantages that got you ahead in business and made you successful in the first place are not going to give you the power to keep moving forward.
Carlos Reynaldo’s approach will properly prepare you to master the curriculum of skills designed to help you elevate your business to the next level. Carlos works one-on-one with qualified business owners that are ready to have that extra edge. However, admission is extremely competitive and exclusive. Fill out the form below to schedule a consultation.
© 2022 Carlos Reynaldo., a broker licensed by the CA Bureau of Real Estate, Lic. # 01527345, NMLS# 463340. All rights reserved. Not all applicants will qualify. Rates, programs, and APRs subject to change at any time without prior notice. All LTVs represented are based on appraised value
Copyright © Carlos Reynaldo